Retrospect, Today, Future

Retrospect: Okay… I admit that ISMC game day is quite a failure. What we had worried was too few people, and then we end up poorly due to game allocation, scheduling, game design… Almost every factor other than low participant count… Epic fail!

New computer XD:

Today: Well… I don’t even feel much different from any other birthdays I had, not even much different from a typical school day. In case my future self would like to read this, here I am writing an entry about this day…

Woke up early this morning, seeing my Notifications being stuffed. I was actually quite happy with the phenomenon that most of the wall posts are not the generic one like Kirby’s standard “Happy birthday~ Have a nice one~” one. (LOL, even Kirby didn’t write this!)

And then I started to comment, with “thank you”s to all wall post. Had a good mood this morning, so I actually used up most of my time, answering specific questions, and writing specific paragraph-length comments to ALL wall posts then. After that, I returned to my profile, and ALL THE COMMENT JUST VANISHED… WTF?!

In case all these comments are not going to re-appear on Facebook, I’ll write a new set (with some of my thoughts now added) here:

Iris: Oops… Somebody wrote that earlier than you. Sorry… Somehow I think that guy’s clock has run in relativistic speed.

Jonathan: Strangely, you’re the only who said “Happy birthday” without starting a new wall post.

Raymond: Thank you. Wish you good luck in finishing your remaining 52% of HKPhO syllabus.

MC: Yep… We’ve got a new MC… Don’t worry, you’re still the one and only one MC I know :P

JC: You really are always going together with MC… Even your post appears consecutively with MC in my notifications.

Barry: Yep… I think German together, :D

Gordon: Hm… Thank you…

Kilpatrick: Thank you… Few people now still call me that name :)

Caleb: Thank you.

Jeff: You make me sit your account and adds quite a workload to this busiest day of mine… I’ll make you repay when you’re back XD (Updated @ 2146, HKT: And what the? You sleep so early…)

Crystal: You post… is in the same minute as Jeff… Hm… (Story making, blah blah blah).

Victor, Conrad: Thank you.

Geoffrey: “Bro Bear”?! I’ve really been quite a while since I was last called this nickname :D

NPM: Thank you…. Of course, not for the words like “hanging you” :D Still angry with that? Perhaps another sorry from me will do? :S

Wendy: Thank you for helping me so much so far about ISMC… Indeed the best birthday present I’ve received this year… Wait… if not counting my new laptop :D And thank you for not using the word 牛… The phrase / nickname 熊牛 can be quite misleading, right?

Rocky: Thank you.

Kirby: My PhO days are long gone… Now what’s left’s only IMO. And thank you for not using you standard “Happy birthday~ Have a nice one~”

Bar (Or Alon): I though you’d write something in Hebrew… Just joking… Thanks a lot.

Tang Wai Ho: Thank you… Said that you can make it to IPhO, didn’t I?

Justin: Hope that really happens. But I’d still be extremely lucky if I can just get a silver medal :S

Olivia: *HUG*? Alright, LOL.

Angus: That’s exactly what happened :(

Shirley: Thank you.

Samson: Yep… To you too :)

Timpson, Sammi, Marco, Derek, Nisal: Thank you.

Samuel: Sorry for disappointing you… I won’t get EAS-ed. Flying to Cal :)

Harry, Ronald: Thank you.

Kain: True, true. Indeed one year closer to death as well. P.S.: But I don’t know you… O.o

Adrian: Thank you.

Helsa: I got you up from diving, wow~

Phil: I evaded that, sorry.

Keith: Thanks.

Ricky: Hope that’ll happen…

Warren: Please turn off this tab, or start a new tab for “Travian” now.

Samson: Long time since we speaked, right? Still remember the time back in primary school. It’s really been so long, so long… Thank you.

Wilson: Meet you this Saturday, make sure you’re in time, LOL.

CLT: Don’t feel sad about being the 8th now. Think in the other way that you’ve surpassed the other people who couldn’t get into the team.

Maddy: In short… Mathlete!

Charles: I don’t much like pi… Personally favors e more.

Matt: You certainly stands that chance…

Long Pham: Thank you.

Eric: Such a short post… Hm… A good model for what I’ll use next time XD “Hard and Black” XD

Jason: Thank you… And you in CU to. C-U tomorrow :)

Ryan: Thank you.

Eric: Please refer to the above comment I gave Warren.

Trevor: Thank you. See… You’re going to Kazakhstan, still… Don’t worry so much. Enjoy the longest holiday in your life now :)

Timothy: Thank you.

Dickson: I still need one more year to know if 18 turns out to be a happy year for me… Yet to know.

陳耀林: Thank you.

CPN: Thank you, Cow, teammate, long-term rival, future Putnam fellow, future Fields medalist, blah blah blah XD

Rebecca: It has already turned partly.

Alan: Wow… “Happy birthday” from the real dai-lo!

Lawrence: So it’s like 熊熊? :S

Tom: Work harder! The price’s still rising.

Victor: Not almighty sorry. Not almighty when compared to “the Brian” or “the Taurus”.

James: Thank you.

Bee: Ouch, we failed the game day, ouch!

Jo Poon, Bianca, Herman, Andrew: Thank you.

Chris: A specially separated “thank you” and “add oil”. Sorry for not inviting you to play Travian. But I guess you can see my reason, can’t you?

Henry, Martin, Ng Yau Ning, the other “Jeff”: Thank you.

Bar (or Alon): No need to say that twice. I got that. Trust me, I do XD

HCH: Thank you.

Ishraq: Did you use that phrase for all other APhO guys? O.o”

Tommy: You’re late. I’ve already start writing this post :P

Candy: Thank you. Have really been a while since we last saw :)

Tony: I think I’ll arrive in LA on 13 July night (Just booked that ticket today :) ) How about you? When are you arriving?

Aaron, Andy, Soarer SHC, Oscar: Thank you.

Section completed @ 2230 – I’ll write another post tomorrow, perhaps, for those who are LATE! :@

(Oh ya… The above comments are arranged in chronological order.)

P.S.: Those whose comment received is “Thank you”. No offense, just that I don’t know what else to say… Maybe you should write a longer wall post next year, shouldn’t you?

Future: Are we actually ready for HKPhO / ISMC / IMOp… The first two weeks of adulthood is going to be even busier >.<”


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